What’s the best, safest, and easiest way to clean your baby’s most delicate facial features – their eyes, ears, and nose?

Your baby’s skin is very fragile and highly sensitive. So keeping them clean is an essential part of keeping them healthy. And even though they don’t move around much, you’ll be amazed at how dirty they can get, and how quickly!

It can be very unnerving cleaning their eyes, ears and nose – they’re so tiny! What if you hurt them?

But so long as you’re careful, you should be fine. And the more you do it, the more confident you’ll get.

When To Clean Your Baby’s Eyes, Ears, and Nose

Just like you, your baby will build up wax in their ears, mucus in their nose, and discharge in their eyes (which you might refer to as “bed” or “sleep”).

If any of this stuff builds up, it can cause your baby discomfort, and it can even lead to a number of health problems in the long-term.

How Often to Clean Your Baby’s Eyes, Ears and Nose

Don’t wait until your baby’s eyes, ears and nose are “dirty”. Clean them every day, to prevent any problems from developing.

Use cotton wool and warm water for these delicate features. No soap, as this can dry out your baby’s skin and lead to irritation.

How to Clean Your Baby’s Face Without Them Getting Upset

Not all babies like having their faces washed. So to avoid upsetting your baby, clean their eyes, ears and nose when they’re feeling relaxed, and talk to them while you do it to keep them calm. Don’t wash their face when they’re tired, hungry, or they’ve just fed, as this is bound to end in tears.

How To Clean Your Baby’s Eyes

Dip some cotton wool in some warm water. Then, as gently as possible, wipe from the inside corner of the eye to the outside corner. Use a fresh bit of cotton wool for each eye.

How To Clean Your Baby’s Nose

Again, all you need is cotton wool and lukewarm water. Just dip the cotton wool in the water, then gently wipe around each of your baby’s nostrils to remove any mucus. There’s no need to clean inside their nostrils, so don’t even try!

How To Clean Your Baby’s Ears

Once more with cotton wool and warm water, wipe around your baby’s ears, not forgetting the outside. You might notice some earwax when you’re cleaning your baby’s ears. Wax serves a very important function. It’s there to prevent dirt, dust and germs from reaching the eardrums.

So if you see any wax in your baby’s ear canal, leave it. But you can gently wipe away any wax on their outer ears.

Never poke anything into your baby’s ears – not a cotton swab, and not even a finger. And never use any remedies to remove earwax, as these will be designed for adult ears, not soft, delicate baby ears!

If you’re concerned about wax build-up in your baby’s ear – or if your baby’s ears seem to be causing them discomfort – talk to your doctor. They’ll be able to advise on the best course of action, and they can also check for ear infections.

Drying Your Baby’s Eyes, Nose, and Ears

Use the softest possible towel and be as gentle as you can. Try and pat them dry rather than rub them dry. And don’t forget to dry behind their ears! Forgetting is easily done, and it can lead to infection or irritation.

Bathing Your Baby

It’s a good idea to clean your baby’s eyes, nose and ears before you give them their bath. Give these delicate areas a careful wipe, then gently dry them before undressing your baby for bath time.

We have many guides to making bath time safe and fun for you and your baby:

Taking Care of Your Baby’s Skin

As we mentioned above, your baby’s skin is very delicate and highly sensitive. Regular cleaning with warm water, and without potentially harmful soap, will help keep them healthy, happy, and free from irritations.

Another way you can take care of your baby’s skin is through switching from disposable nappies to reusable nappies.

Standard disposable nappies are often made from uncomfortable plastics, and they often use certain chemicals which could irritate your baby’s most sensitive areas.

But reusable nappies are made from soft and natural fabrics, and they don’t contain any potentially harmful chemicals. So they’re more comfortable to wear, and they’re a lot kinder to your baby’s skin.

You can read our full guide to how reusable nappies work better for you, your baby, and the planet.how-clean-baby-eyes-ears-nose