Your baby’s brain will grow so much in their first two years, so it’s important to make sure you keep them entertained while helping them develop and explore their world.

We’ve picked a selection of summer activities that you can enjoy with your little one both in the house or outside in the sunshine.

Sensory activities for the summer

Sensory play is all about engaging your baby’s senses and helping them use their body to learn about the world while having fun. Here are some of our favourite sensory activities:

Rainbow spaghetti

Adding a few drops of cooking oil and food colouring to a couple of handfuls of cooked spaghetti is creative, colourful and fun for your little one. Let them grab handfuls as it helps with their motor skills and getting to grips with new textures.

Baby sensory bags

Fill a resealable bag (a ziplock food bag is perfect) with hair gel or shower gel, and add a few toys and biodegradable glitter. Your baby will love the squishy texture and pushing the toys around. Make sure you seal the edges with hard-wearing tape to stop little fingers from getting into the bag.

Ice play for hot days

Add a few drops of different food colouring into an ice cube tray and add water. Once frozen, pop the cubes into a plastic tub and let your baby explore the different textures and temperatures. This activity is perfect for hot days. It’s a great way to help keep your baby cool – along with dressing them to keep them protected from the sun.

Summer messy play activities

Messy play helps your baby explore and develop their curiosity, patience and determination – as well as have lots of fun! Try out our ideas – they’re perfect for playing outside or inside. Plus, just because the play is messy doesn’t mean your baby has to be – our waterproof long-sleeved bibs are perfect for keeping them dry and clean.

Water play

Cover the bottom of a shallow baking tray with water and add a few balls and bath toys, or cut up fruits and herbs – such as oranges and mint – and let your little one practice grabbing and splashing with them. It’s a fun way to engage their senses of smell and touch.

Don’t have a baking tray to hand? You can try this one in a shallow bath – you could even use a BabyDam to make a smaller space and to use less water.

Fun with foam

Babies love bubbles, so this foamy activity is a great way to encourage them to discover new textures, colours and smells. Just add a few drops of food colouring to some water and washing-up liquid and whisk it to make it extra foamy.

Brain development activities

Sensory activities encourage your baby’s brain development, building nerve connections in their brain pathways and helping them develop their motor skills – both fine and gross – as well as their language and communication skills. Here are a few of our favourite brain development activities:

Texture board

Glue different textures – such as furry fabric or cotton wool, bubble wrap, cardboard tubes, gift bows, velcro and tin foil – to a large piece of cardboard and let your baby touch, grab, prod and pull them.

Summer-themed sensory bottle

Create a summer-themed sensory bottle by adding a few leaves, small flowers and biodegradable glitter and sequins into an old plastic bottle. Then fill with water, screw the lid on tightly and shake it up! Wrap sticky tape around the lid to make sure little fingers can’t unscrew it.

Nursery rhymes

Rhymes and songs are a really good way to help your baby on their way to learning language. The pattern and rhythm can help with speech development and lay the foundations for how language works.


Whichever sensory activities you choose this summer, go for something simple, fun, and – of course – always keep an eye on your baby as they play.

Find more activities and ideas for your family at our blog for new parents and parents-to-be! And explore our range of reusable nappies, bibs and more.

View our waterproof long-sleeved bibs