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How Often Should You Dust At Home?

how often to dust house

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The more often you dust, the easier you’ll find it to keep your home clean and free from allergens.

So how often should you dust your home? It all depends on a few factors. Some things can encourage the build-up of dust in your home – such as if you live with pets, or if you live near a busy main road. Also, if you’ve got serious allergies, then regular dusting can help you manage your symptoms.

In this post we’ll discuss some of the factors that might influence how dusty your home gets and explore some ways you can control the dust in your home.

But first, let’s answer that question – how often should you dust your home?

How Often Should You Dust At Home?

  • If you or anyone in your family suffers from allergies, try to dust at least once a week. Use a damp cloth, as this will attract and hold the dust and prevent it from scattering into the air.
  • If you don’t have any allergies to worry about, dusting every other week should be enough. However, the more often you dust, the easier you’ll likely find it – as regular dusting will prevent dust from building up.
  • In any case, combine your dusting with regular vacuuming, which can help reduce the amount of dust in your home.
  • An air purifier with an advanced HEPA filter can also make a huge difference to the levels of dust in your home.

What is Dust in the Home?

Household dust can be composed of many small particles, including:

  • Human skin flakes
  • Pet dander
  • Particulate matter (such as from outdoor traffic)
  • Pollen

Household dust can also contain numerous microbes and organisms, including fungi, bacteria, viruses, and dust mites. Not all of these organisms will be harmful. But inhaling some of them could trigger allergies, and lead to colds, flus, skin irritations, and other health conditions.

Also, some people are allergic to dust mites. Read our full guide to understanding and managing dust mite allergies.

All households contain dust. But while a little bit of dust is inevitable, a large amount isn’t just unsightly, it can also be bad for your health.

This is why, even if you don’t suffer from any allergies, you should still try to dust your home as often as possible.

Why Is My House So Dusty?

  • Dust can come from many sources. The more people who live in your house, the dustier it will get, as dust is mainly composed of human skin flakes. Sharing your home with pets will also encourage the build-up of dust.
  • Dust can also come from outside the home. If you live near a busy road, particulate matter from the traffic can settle in your home as dust. Other outdoor sources of dust can include construction sites, farms, factories, and other industrial, agricultural, and manufacturing operations. If you live near such a place, any time you open your window you may be inviting dust into your home.
  • Dust needs somewhere to settle. The more objects, ornaments, books, furniture, and soft furnishings you have in your home, the more places dust will have to settle. Decluttering your home can help reduce the build-up of dust.

Improve the Air Quality in Your Home

Regular dusting and vacuuming will help you stay on top of the dust in your home. But for best results, use an air purifier to remove the dust from your home’s atmosphere before it has a chance to settle.

Our Blueair home air purifiers are fitted with advanced HEPA filters, and they can effectively remove over 99% of particles from the air, including dust, pollen, mould, pet dander, and other particulate matter. At the touch of a button they can quickly and quietly filter the air in a room of up to 17m² in as little as 12.5 minutes, helping your entire family breathe easier.

Find out how the Blueair home air purifiers can be your secret weapon against dust and allergens in the home.

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