If you want to improve the air quality in your home, it pays to know what you’re up against.

So below we’ll explore some of the most common pollutants in their home. We’ll discuss what they are, where they come from, and some things you can do to address the problem.

One thing that can help are Air Purifiers. Read on to find out how.

The Most Common Pollutants in Homes

Damp and Mould

Any excessive moisture in the home can cause mould to form. Mould spores can aggravate existing conditions, including asthma, allergies, and skin irritations. Some mould spores are toxic, so breathing them can lead to headaches, dizziness, and trouble concentrating.

If you don’t treat a mould problem, it will grow. And the bigger a mould infestation grows, the bigger the health risk it poses.

Common causes of damp and mould

  • Cooking, showering, bathing, drying clothes, and any other daily activity that produces moisture.
  • Structural issues, including broken roof tiles and guttering, and cracks in bricks, mortar and joints.
  • Plumbing problems.
  • Poor ventilation.

How to prevent the build-up of damp and mould

  • Use an extractor fan or open windows when bathing, showering, or cooking.
  • Dry your clothes outside, if you can, or use a dryer.
  • Check your house for structural issues, and fix any problems you find.
  • Hire a plumber to look for any issues with your pipes or drains.
  • Air purifiers can help remove spores from the air. You can browse our range of air purifiers for homes.

For more information, read our full guide to fighting mould in the home.

We also have a guide to what to do if you can smell damp, but you cannot find any damp patches.


The air you breathe in your home can contain many tiny particles, some so small you cannot see them. But some of these particles can be harmful. They can lead to headaches and breathing difficulties, and they can make existing conditions worse, such as asthma and allergies.

Common particulates in the home

  • Dust
  • Pollen
  • Pet dander
  • Particulate matter from traffic and other sources

How to prevent the build-up of these pollutants

  • Clean regularly, including vacuuming, dusting, and washing your sheets and soft furnishings.
  • Regularly check the pollen and air pollution levels in your area, and keep your windows closed on days with high levels.
  • Prevent your pets from sleeping on your bed during the day, and from entering your bedroom at night.
  • Air purifiers can remove particulates like dust, pollen, pet dander and particulate matter. You can browse our range of air purifiers for homes.

We also have a few guides on our Real Parenting blog featuring more detailed guidance on fighting particulates in your home:

Organic Compounds

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are invisible gases produced by certain household activities. Breathing these compounds over extended periods can lead to headaches and dizziness. They can also aggravate existing conditions, such as asthma and allergies. High exposure in the long-term can lead to much more serious health problems.

Common sources of VOCs in the home

  • Cleaning products, particularly solvents.
  • Candles and air fresheners.
  • Cigarettes, cigars and pipes.
  • Burning fuel, including gas, coal, and wood.
  • Cosmetics, including perfume and hairspray.

How to reduce the levels of VOCs in your home

  • Look for warning labels on your cleaning products, and use them as directed.
  • Store old paints, chemicals, and cleaning products in a safe and dry area, as far away as possible from your living areas.
  • Limit your use of candles, wood burning stoves, and all kinds of aerosol sprays.
  • If you smoke, smoke outside or in a well-ventilated area.
  • Air purifiers can help remove and reduce the levels of VOCs in your home through the use of a HEPA filter. You can browse our range of air purifiers for homes.

Good Ventilation is the Key to Improving Air Quality in Your Home

Good ventilation can help you prevent the build-up of all the pollutants we’ve discussed in this post.

Often, good ventilation means opening a few windows to create a through-draft. This can help reduce the levels of almost all pollutants, from mould to VOCs. However, opening your windows can actively encourage the build-up of other pollutants, including pollen and harmful particulates from traffic. Also, you might not want to keep your windows open on freezing winter days!

So to quickly and reliably improve the air quality in your home, consider getting an air purifier. A good HEPA filter can remove up to 99.97% of the most common household pollutants, including:

  • Mould spores
  • Dust mites
  • Pet dander
  • Pollen
  • Particulate matter from traffic
  • VOCs
  • Bacteria and viruses

Read our short guide for more information about how air purifiers work to improve the air quality in your home.

Our BlueAir air purifiers can completely filter the air in a room every 12.5 minutes, so you’ll be breathing cleaner and healthier air in no time. Browse our full range of advanced air purifiers for the home.