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What Cheese Can You Eat When Pregnant?

Some expectant mothers avoid eating cheese completely when pregnant.  This is because some dairy…

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When and How to Start Using a Birthing Ball

Many women use birthing balls in the mid to late stages of their pregnancies. But if you’ve never…

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Heat Exhaustion During Pregnancy: Tips For Keeping Cool

High temperatures can be harmful to anyone, but they’re particularly hazardous when you’re…

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What is the Let-Down Reflex When Breastfeeding?

If you’re breastfeeding, or worried your baby isn’t getting enough milk, encouraging the let-down…

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What To Put In Your Changing Bag – A Checklist

Your changing bag doesn’t need to include everything you could conceivably need in every scenario.…

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How To Tell Baby Position By Kicks

As your baby grows in your womb, they’ll tend to move more and change their position more often.…

counting your baby's kicks

How to Count Baby Kicks

Counting your baby’s kicks helps you tell your baby’s position in your womb. Your baby’s position…

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What Side and How to Sleep When Pregnant

Many women have trouble sleeping during pregnancy. One study found that at least 50% of pregnant…

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When Does the Placenta Take Over?

The placenta is a new organ your body will develop during your pregnancy. It attaches to the lining…

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Books to Read to Your Baby in the Womb

Reading to your baby while they’re in the womb will help you to form a closer bond before birth.…

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Why Modern Healthcare is Failing Our Children: Reconnecting with Ourselves and Our World

In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, disconnection is an undercurrent that runs through…