As parents, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, especially when you’re dedicated to providing the best for your children. At The Conscious Parent, we believe in creating moments of connection, slowing down, and truly embracing the joy of parenting. Recently, I had the opportunity to attend the Oxfordshire Home-Ed Camp Festival with my three boys, ages 1, 4, and 7. It was an experience that touched my soul and redefined what it means to be a conscious parent.

Embracing the Unknown

I have to admit, I was pretty nervous about going to the camp. The thought of spending several days camping alone with my young boys was overwhelming. But as soon as we arrived, all my worries started to fade. There was a real sense of community—families coming together, kids running around, and so much laughter and adventure in the air.

Finding Real Peace

The camp was more than just a break from our routine; it was exactly what my soul needed. It reminded me how important it is to slow down and be present. Living life in the slow lane isn’t always easy for me, especially since I’m naturally a Type A personality. I’m always on the go, checking things off my to-do list. But applying principles of minimalism has really helped me with that—more on that another time!

At the camp, I found myself letting go of all those pressures. I even let my phone battery die, which was game-changing! No constant reminders of emails and messages to get back to—just actual peace. Watching my kids explore, play, and connect with nature without any time constraints was such a gift. It was a chance to truly be in the moment, with no distractions, and it felt amazing.

Deepening Connections – Oxfordshire home ed camp

One of the most special parts of the camp was the chance to connect more deeply with my children. Without the usual distractions of everyday life, we could really focus on each other and strengthen our bonds. We snuggled up in the tent, brushed our teeth under the stars, joined in on group activities when we felt like it, and simply enjoyed just being together as human beings. There were no schedules, no rushing around or bundling into the car to be somewhere on time—just pure, unstructured time to play, discover, and connect. Those moments were truly invaluable.

A Community of Like-Minded Families

Being surrounded by other families who share similar values was incredibly reassuring. The sense of community and support was inspiring, and it was comforting to know that we are not alone on this home-educating journey. The festival brought together a diverse group of people, each with their own unique approach to education and parenting, yet united by a common goal of nurturing and supporting our children. The dedication of the amazing volunteers,  Oxfordshire HE Bushcraft and the Neigh Animal Sanctuary, where the camp was held, showcased just how much people care and invest in these enriching experiences.

Slowing Down to Grow

For me, the Oxfordshire Home-Ed Camping Festival was a powerful reminder of the importance of slowing down and being present. It reinforced the idea that true growth and connection come from taking the time to appreciate the simple joys of life.